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2860 posts

Green Philly Week Guide: 6/16 – 6/20

Need something to fill your spare time this week? We’re kicking off a new column to fill you in on the week’s greatest local events, focused on sustainability and our urban lifestyle. Whether you’re looking for something to do with your kids or your friends, here’s this week’s batch of great, green events for you to try!
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How To Recycle Tennis Balls: WCI Weds

I come from a tennis-playing family. My parents play. My brothers play. My grandparents, aunts, uncles and even a few cousins play. As you can probably imagine, we have A LOT of used tennis balls always lying around. My family tries to recycle or reuse most old tennis balls so they don’t end up in a landfill - like the 20,000 metric tons of that end up there each year. So what can you do with used tennis balls? We tackle this question in today's Where Can I Wednesday column.
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Health & Beauty

10 Simple Ways to Get Healthy on a Budget

Many reasons to live sustainably ultimately benefit one person: you. What's one of the best parts of joining a local CSA? Fresh, delicious veggies and fruit. Like seriously, better than you've ever had before. Although I certainly avoid preaching to the crowd, my body got out of whack lately between traveling, getting sick and work. After seeing some not-so-flattering photos of myself, I decided to do a mini detox. Kicking back into a healthier version of you doesn't require a juice detox or lots of cash. There's a few simple ways to detox - all cheap, easy and locally. Here's 10 Ways to Get Healthy & Detox on a budget:
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Word Environment Day & That Time I Wrote a Book #TBT

Happy World Environment Day! Recently, my parents returned an exciting surprise that I had created 22 years ago, confirming my green obsession officially began in 1992. In honor of this day of caring for our planet and to make my 2nd grade dreams a reality, I'm officially publishing my work here for you beautiful people. Call it a throwBack Thursday present for y'all. And Things Got Worse. Didn't I ever reveal that's when I discovered my artistic talents and geography skills, too? Read on, friends. You know you want to.
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Green Philly

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