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In addition to supporting our mission, our members will receive special benefits as our way of saying thanks. Pledge $10 per month or more for these perks:

  • Meet other members & chat with our team at members-only events
  • Discounts to GP events
  • Exclusive members newsletter to learn what’s next
  • Past recordings of events
  • And more!

Monthly contributions have the biggest impact on sustaining our mission, but feel free to contribute any amount that suits your budget. Whether it’s monthly or one-time, every contribution makes a big difference and is greatly appreciated by our team!

SustainPHL 2018
Green Philly hosts the annual SustainPHL and events to highlight sustainability changemakers.

Why Support Green Philly?

Green Philly was created out of passion.

When my colleague revealed that the company’s recycling was being thrown in the trash in 2008, I was outraged and knew we could do better. In order to become more sustainability, we needed to connect people to sustainable solutions. Green Philly was created to make sustainability easy, accessible and low-cost.

Sixteen years later, a lot has changed. But our passion has stayed the same.

Today, our stories and events now help over 20,000 monthly readers to live more sustainably as Philadelphia’s largest and most trusted sustainability site. Our events provide education, networking and career opportunities – such as SustainPHL, the city’s annual sustainability awards and celebration. Our weekly newsletter also provides tips and advice to thousands of subscribers, who often email us with questions on topics like recycling and ethical products.

Green Philly is a woman-owned business, and our organization has been sustained without crowdfunding or business loans. Instead, we’ve relied on bootstrapping and a bit of gumption, generating modest revenue from things such as events and sponsorships.

We need your help so that we can create more editorial content and make Green Philly even better. If you value our work, please help us keep this community growing by becoming a supporter.

Green Philly

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