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2864 posts

How Natural Gas Affects our Local Economy

This post is brought to you by Solar States. We may have heard mixed messages about Hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”: it’s good for the local economy because we do not have to import it/it is a “transition fuel” however, the  contaminated water, radioactive water and threat of pipelines locally outweigh any of these menial pros that fracking fans may conjure up.  Plus, continuing to risk natural resources as Governor Tom Corbett recently signed legislation allowing fracking in state forests and parks. Continuing to risk natural resources- especially spaces that were once protected by state and national law - is unacceptable. There's good news though:  We already have an acceptable alternative that works locally: solar.
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My CSA Week: What I Ate in Early July

Part of the excitement, anxiety and fear each week of a CSA is figuring out how to use all the veggies AND waste the least amount of food. Let's face it - I pay for the CSA veggies up front and Bennett Compost to take my scraps. I want to make the most of the fresh, local, organic and DELICIOUS produce that's delivered two blocks from my house on a weekly basis. I'm in my third season of Red Earth Farm's Summer CSA share with my BFF. We've scared off a few of our friends on veggie season explosions, but enjoy the process. And I think we enjoy humblebrag-complaining about how many veggies we have, too! So how did the week break down?
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Hot Air, Less Clothes? Climate Changes Office Attire

It's HOT outside. With summer upon us, getting dressed for work can be a painful exercise. Ties or jackets in 95*F? Ouch. Turns out that some businesses are noticing that what we wear can cause pain to our planet.  Relaxed summer wardrobes are a good start to easing the pain: the fewer layers you’re wearing, the less air conditioning you need to be comfortable. Bring on the polo shirts! Find out more about how climate change is affecting office attire, after the jump.
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