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My CSA Week: What I Ate in Early July

My CSA Week: What I Ate in Early July

Part of the excitement, anxiety and fear each week of a CSA is figuring out how to use all the veggies AND waste the least amount of food.

Let’s face it – I pay for the CSA veggies up front and Bennett Compost to take my scraps. I want to make the most of the fresh, local, organic and DELICIOUS produce that’s delivered two blocks from my house on a weekly basis.

I’m in my third season of Red Earth Farm’s Summer CSA share with my BFF. We’ve scared off a few of our friends on veggie season explosions, but enjoy the process. And I think we enjoy humblebrag-complaining about how many veggies we have, too!

So how did the week break down?

My CSA Produce Week – July 1st

Last week, I received the following in my CSA:

Summer CSA share - July produce Philly PA

  • Green lettuce
  • Red lettuce
  • Swiss chard
  • Summer squash
  • Dinosaur kale
  • Cucumbers
  • Egg share
  • AND I bought Feta. (Crazy, I know.)

So how did I cope with all of these luscious veggies?

July’s CSA Concoctions

Dinner – Sauteed (in olive oil with a few red pepper flakes & herbs) swiss chard & summer squash with a side of Whole Foods bulk Wild Rice, recipe inspired by Eatin’ On the Cheap. After sprinkling feta on top, I was happy with my leftovers for a few more days!

Sauteed Swiss Chard Squash & Rice

Work lunch: Greek/Mediterranean Salad, using the lettuce, cucumbers & feta and adding slivered almonds, artichokes & Kalamata olives I had on hand. Deelish. Rinse & repeat for work lunches, 3-5 times.

Greek Salad

Dinner, with friend: After skipping most of my veggies AND buying additional ones for grilling (that we didn’t use) in lieu of 4th of July/BBQ festivities, I was drowning in Veggie City. Occupants: Pounce & me. Making the most of that lemonade, I invited a friend over and whipped up a banging Veggie Paella.

Veggies pre paella
You see Veggies. I see (almost) Paella.

Instead of the frozen green peas and canned tomatoes, I used fresh tomatoes and added a few bell peppers. The saffron threads weren’t essential in my case.

My only regrets is inviting her over circa 7:30 after biking, not serving until around 9 PM. However, I did send some leftovers home with her to share the veggie goodness. And continued to devour for days.

CSA Veggie Paella
Our CSA Veggie Paella. After I could take a 30 second breather from eating.

Breakfast: Eggs & Avocados in tortillas, Eggs & veggies with bread. I mix this up based on my mood.

Leftover Smoothie: Dinosaur kale in the Chocolate Kale Smoothie, of course!

Readers, what did you receive & make from your CSA this week?

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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