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635 posts
How to incorporate sustainable habits into your lifestyle

Quick Tip: Donate Your Old Blankets, Towels & Un-Usables

We all have those old towels and blankets and towels that are too old for Goodwill or Salvation Army. Instead of throwing these out, donate them to a local animal shelter or humane society. PAWS is located right at 2nd & Arch (and loves fleece blankets since they dry quicker!) or 2900 Grays Ferry Avenue & PSPCA are great local candidates to contact! What a better idea for those rapidly approaching holidays for pups & cats?
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Eco-Inspiration: Alexandra Cousteau and Blue Legacy

Despite our very best efforts to be environmentally active sometimes it's tough to motivate. The problems can seem too big or too far away from our individual lives. Sometimes, when I feel overwhelmed I look to "enviro-celebs" to inspire me... Alexandra Cousteau is one of these celebs I speak of. Cousteau is founder of Blue Legacy, a non-profit movement to bring water to the forefront of society's issues. Further, Blue Legacy aims to motivate people to act on these critical issues. Alexandra's family is rooted in environmental advocacy. She's the grand-daughter of activist and National Geography contributor Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Her parents were bringing her on expeditions when she was just a few months old.
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Green Your Halloween!

Halloween is around the corner... It's the one time of the year you should pretend someone whom you're not! But don't give up your green habits in the meantime. Here's some ways to Green Your Halloween, whether you're dressing up, dressing up the kids or giving out treats:
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VegVine Philly Toolbar: Veggie Fun at your Fingertips

Eating less meat reduces carbon emissions greatly and has many other eco benefits. (For example, food for a vegan can be produced on 1/6 of an acre vs 3.25 for a meat eater!) But whether you want to go vegan, vegetarian, or just incorporate a more veggie-friendly lifestyle into your diet, it can be a little tricky to find local resources: Vegvine has menus, restaurants, news, and calendars just for those who are veg-friendly. The Philly restaurant section describes vegetarian, vegan or health store options complete with contact info & reviews. You can add the VegVine toolbar to your browser - Easy step by step instructions are
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Julie’s Low Car Diet Update

Hey guys- The last 2 1/2 weeks sans car have been quite exciting! I've got the train schedule down and have been taking the shorter Express morning train, finished 3 books (2 of which have been Chelsea Handler & Tucker Max) and have read the Metro every morning. Some other highlights include:
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Quick Tip: Opt Out of Yellow Pages, Catalogs, Junk Mail & mo’!

It's fall! What a better time to re-check your junk mail and minimize where you can. With iPhones, Blackberries, Facebook & the internet everywhere, it's too easy to find people or businesses, and shop online. Do you really need phone books, credit card offers and glossy printed catalogs dropped off at your front door? Save the 1000's of pages used for each dinosaur-era book:
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11 Ways to Make Your Philly Dates Eco-Friendly

Philadelphia's on the fast track to becoming one of the greenest cities. You've carpooled, recycled all those shiny plastics and even made your dog eco-friendly. Before you can get to plan your green wedding, you gotta conquer another hurdle to lessen your carbon impact: dating. Dating can be done quite well with an eco-friendly touch. Here are some ways to lessen your impact on the earth while getting to know someone a little bit better (after the jump - see excerpts from my recent guest post - readers, still time to vote on the Philly Hot List)
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Green Philly

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