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13 posts

Zero Waste Home: The Johnson’s

One thing I enjoy about being a green activist and blogger is my belief in the value of a sustainable lifestyle is often reenergized by the efforts of others. Lately I’ve been giving thought to the zero waste home – as the family behind the concept continues to garner well-deserved press. The Johnsons of Mill Valley, California are the zero waste family. The Johnson family’s primary goal is to avoid bringing anything into the house that must eventually be discarded. Read on!
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Local Eco-Apparel Company Cleans up Oceans

It's certainly honorable for a fashion and apparel company to use sustainable and organic materials. But a company that is highly active in the pursuit of a healthier environment is by far cooler... Take United by Blue... United by Blue is a Philly based brand and apparel company specializing in organic t-shirts, jewelry and bags. UBB decided to go beyond selling green and take action to reduce ocean pollution. Why?
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