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Zero Waste Home: The Johnson’s

Zero Waste Home: The Johnson’s

One thing I enjoy about being a green activist and blogger is my belief in the value of a sustainable lifestyle is often reenergized by the efforts of others.

Lately I’ve been giving thought to the zero waste home – as the family behind the concept continues to garner well-deserved press.

The Johnsons of Mill Valley, California are the zero waste family.  The Johnson family’s primary goal is to avoid bringing anything into the house that must eventually be discarded. (Recycling is a last resort for this family. )

Bea Johnson started documenting her family’s lifestyle on in 2009 to help spread the word about changes people can make in their homes to cut down on waste. Last year the Johnsons reportedly accumulated just two handfuls of trash.

So, what are they doing?

  • The family’s everyday initiatives include taking their own jars and containers to the grocery store – they’ll bring these to the dairy and fish counter and the store employees will simply place a price sticker on a jar instead of plastic or paper wrap.  
  • They mix their own cleaning solution and have a very modestly furnished home (no art or extra décor.)
  • Each family member is allocated a set number of clothes. For example, Bea has six pairs of shoes. Their two children (9 and 10 year-olds boys) have 3 pairs. They also encourage friends and family to give their two sons experiences instead of toys as gifts.
  • And, much more you can read about on Bea’s blog.

Interested in some of the Johnson’s tips? This page breaks down advice by categories. Some tips we’ve covered on GPB, and some we haven’t.  But, I think this is a useful and fairly unintimidating page for families or individuals seeking green “homing” tips.

The zero waste family is taking action every day in small ways that can add up to something remarkable.  An ambitious and inspiring bunch if you ask me!

Posted by Beth

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Beth is a Health and Wellness expert who believes sustainability goes hand-in-hand with self care. She’s the girl whipping up kombucha cocktails at parties, and extolling the benefits of canning vegetables to anyone who will listen. View all posts by Beth Funari
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