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Eco Film Festival – Chestnut Hill’s Sustainability Event

Eco Film Festival – Chestnut Hill’s Sustainability Event

eco film festWe like to give you a variety of sustainable happenings around Philadelphia, occasionally from other voices. When we think about environmental leaders, religion may not be the first group to come to mind. However, Guest Blogger Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark shares an upcoming Eco Film Festival at Chestnut Hill College this Thursday.

On Thursday, March 14, Chestnut Hill College is hosting a FREE (and open to the public) Eco Film Festival from 8:30 – 5:30 PM in the East Parlor, St. Joseph Hall. This all-day film festival includes showings of five eco-related films, each followed by a brief discussion with an expert presenter including Gretchen Alfonso from Moms Clean Air Force, and Logan Welde, Clean Air Council of Philadelphia.

I find much inspiration for my work in the films that will be shown at the festival. For 30 years, I’ve  studied the writings of Father Thomas Berry and Sister Miriam MacGillis who have explained the Universe story in terms that are in harmony with scientific findings of the origin of the universe. Here’s a few of the films part of the festival on Thursday:

  • The Eco Film Festival at the College marks a unique moment in the history of the Sustainability Task Force. The Task Force works in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office on Sustainability, CampusPhilly and SEPCHE to address local issues of sustainability such as tree planting, energy conservation, and local food production.
    Film Journey of the Universe will tell the Universe story in a magnificent setting on the Island of Patmos in Greece. Sister Miriam MacGillis, co-founder of Genesis Farm and a leader in sustainability and ecology will lead the discussion following the film.
  • They Killed Sister Dorothy examines the complex factors surrounding Sister Dorothy Stang, SND’s murder in the Amazon as she ministered among the people living there. She lost her life for her passion for saving the rain forest.  A close friend of Sister Dorothy will be leading the discussion after the film.
  • “Kilowatt Ours” follows director Jeff Barrie as he travels through America’s cities, towns and countryside, searching for solutions for today’s energy problems while teaching viewers how to dramatically decrease their energy bills and improve the environment.

How am I connected to sustainability? As the Director of the Sisters of Saint Joseph 

Chestnut Hill College Eco Film Fest

Earth Center for the past nine years, I am passionate about getting global climate change information into the hearts and minds of people of faith and local community. As an ambassador to the U.S Catholic Bishops Climate Covenant Coalition, I’ve been able to present the church’s perspective on environmental stewardship and sustainability. As Special Assistant to the President of Chestnut Hill College, I am working with the Green Sustainability Task Force to provide environmental programs for the Chestnut Hill College community and Philadelphia area.

For more information about the film festival (sponsored by Lutron Electronics Company) and schedule of films, please visit Chestnut Hill College website.

Readers, which film are you most interested in seeing?


Photos: Civic Policy, Chestnut Hill

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