Friday Roundup: All Shell Meme Edition (Submit your own!)
OK, so I use “Friday Roundup” as an opportunity to share everything you (and we) couldn’t write about over the past week. But today’s edition is fully dedicated to Shell (Oil).
As a marketing guru/Social Media queen for a heavily-regulated industry, I have NO idea what crack Shell’s execs were smoking in order to pass this idea… They started a “Let’s Go Arctic!” campaign to get people pumped about drilling in the Arctic. Yet the spoofs of the campaign are INCREDIBLE, and every graphic created is very publicly accessible from Shell’s website. Instead of promotion, they’ve given ammo to those against their drill campaign: Just see the “popular” page filled mostly of anti-drill messages. I’m highlighting a few of my personal favs for “Shell Friday”:
I’d like to personally thank Andy for this one:
This anonymous creator doesn’t have much faith in diamonds, either:
Alex has taken opportune shots at the ‘oasis’ Shell is trying to paint:
HA! My thoughts ex-actly… Thanks for creating Will!
Tom’s thinking of the long-term, unlike Shell:
I think Jay-Z would agree:
And of course, I had to include a few I created:
Readers, feel free to submit your own on Shell’s website. Any that you share with us via email, Facebook or Twitter we will retweet/share on Facebook!