Quick Tip: Safe Alternative to Drano
Slow or clogged drain? Drano may seem like a good quick fix but it’s full of nasty chemicals like sodium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide is a man-made chemical that can easily burn the skin and throat if contact is made. But is there a safe alternative to drano?
Here’s a simple home remedy that’s a safe alternative to drano and made from ingredients you likely have lying around the house:
Pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain and follow it with a 1/2 cup of white vinegar. Let it sit for 20 mins – 1/2 hour and then pour about 2 quarts of boiling water down.
Try this next time you find yourself dealing with an annoyingly slow- moving shower drain or kitchen sink. Have you tried this safe alternative to drano? (or have a different variation?)
Posted by Beth