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Step Out & Let It Go: Get Outside This Fall

Step Out & Let It Go: Get Outside This Fall

get outside and let it go - Fall SUP adventures

Ever feel a little overwhelmed?

As I paddleboarded into the massive lake, I felt it: the anxious feeling. Often I have anxiety about upcoming events – although sometimes nothing in particular, I often feel on edge. As I paddled into the lake, I was alone.

Although I knew how to balance myself on the board and wasn’t worried about falling, I couldn’t kick the feeling. Perhaps anxiousness about the upcoming week, perhaps knowing my next 8 weekends are jam-packed. Although I love my busy life, it can be overwhelming.

After I taking a turn around the nook of the lake, I found the open waters. Minus a couple of fishing boats and one kayak, I was alone. I continued to paddle until I was surrounded by trees and water in the absolute middle of the lake.

There, I sat down on my paddle board. Sticking my feet into the water, I watched the scenery rotate around me between trees, wildlife and the huge blue sky. Mid-lake on a paddleboard, I meditated, placing my hands on top of my knees and closing my eyes. I slowed my breathing, taking deep breaths from my nose and exhaling through my mouth.

I let go: of my fears, of my anxiety and everything else in the world. I thought about my upcoming week and let the anxiousness go. I remembered that although there were strangers in the lake, no one was judging how fast I was paddling or how skilled I looked.

Overall, I Let. It. Go.

Let it goAfter a few minutes, I got back up and paddled stronger than I had all afternoon, at a moderate pace, getting my blood pumping and energy going.

My Fall Wish For You:

You may not be into Stand-up Paddleboarding and even hate the water. But if I can give you one recommendation before the days turn cold (relative to these global-warming warmer winters we’ve been having), get outside by yourself and reflect. Whether it’s a run, bike ride, yoga or a water sport: there’s something about being with nature that you can’t replace otherwise.

Watching the trees and leaves change, water current or smallest creatures reminds me what gifts we have that we can pass on to the next generation.

Have you gotten outside or now made plans to? Spill your stories in the comments.

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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