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Health & Beauty

47 posts
Health & Beauty

My 3 Day Suja Juice Cleanse: Why I Decided to Stop Being a Hater

Truth: I always thought that the concept of a juice cleanse was a bit of a gimmick and I wanted no part. My thinking was what's 3 or 5 days of juice going to do for me? I try to focus on long-term, big picture health and eschew trends and fad diets. Plus, I love to eat...  I really, really love food and the ritual of meals. I'm the type of person who begins thinking about lunch promptly after finishing breakfast. Spend upwards of $150-200 only to feel hungry and deprived? No chewing? Blah, I can't drink ALL my meals. Nope, no thank you. Though I've been on the fresh juice bandwagon for some time my habit was to incorporate them into my diet in moderation I spent a good amount of time in New York and the abundance of juice bars quickly turned me on to a healthy habit. And when time allows I make juice at home. But here's where I started to realize I might want to take a cleanse for a test spin... Besides being an environmental blogger I also work as a Sports Performance trainer. Over the past few months more & more clients began to inquire about the pros and cons of a juice cleanse. My instinct was to tell them to avoid extremes and focus on healthy eating and exercise! But, I realized I couldn't provide a fully formed opinion without trying one myself. So I decided to try the 3-day Suja juice cleanse. There are a lot of juice options out there these days but Suja appealed to me for a few reasons. Read on for the deets!
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Health & Beauty

The Truth About Superfoods: Do They Live Up to the Hype?

So we're in the second week of January and everywhere you turn - news stands, television, the office water-cooler... people are talking about their new year weight loss and health resolutions. I say hats off to the January joiners but I do want to provide them a word of caution - a lot of what you're hearing is good old-fashioned marketing. (How do I know? I'm a marketer and a certified athletic personal trainer and it's my job to pay attention to this stuff.) One thing you may have noticed in recent years is the hype around superfoods. They promise everything from a faster metabolism, hormonal balance, antioxidants, improved mood and even a longer life. In the wake of the new years diet blitz these foods are more popular than ever. Is the hefty price tag on these foods worth it? The short answer: sometimes. Read on for a breakdown of what you're really getting from some of the power foods out there.  And some advice on how to mix them into your diet should you decide these superfoods are for you.
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Health & Beauty

Top 5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Relax and De-Stress… Because Philly Needs It

The bad news: Philadelphia was named the most stressed city for women in Self magazine's December issue. The good news: we have eco-friendly ways to relax and de-stress! Self cites an average 32 minute one-way commute and a 12% unemployment rate as some of the reasons for Philly topping the list. Ladies, you deserve better!Stress is a fact of life and some of the factors that contribute to the feeling can't be helped; But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be taking steps to relax. Of course it's also the holiday season - a time that lends itself to feeling frazzled and fried. Whether you can get your R & R in now or in January these tips will help. Click through for 5 ways to de-stress (and help get Philly off that downer list):
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Health & Beauty

Prop 37: California Vetoes GMO Label – For Now

In the wake of the election there's more to discuss than the presidential race and the party's winners and losers. Though it wasn't on my ballot one thing on my mind this past week has been California's decision to veto Prop 37, the labeling of genetically modified food. These results prompt me to ask the ever articulate question ... huh? Proposition 37, dubbed The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act would have required food companies, grocers and retailers to label products with genetically modified ingredients as such. This means consumers could pick up any item on their grocer's shelves and make a more informed buying decision.
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healthy hoohoo: Secrets to Keeping your Lady Parts Clean & Healthy

When I first read a pitch for a feminine, 'natural' cleaner, I was slightly apprehensive about greenwashing. However, talking with healthy hoohoo founder Stacy Lyon was informative, enlightening and straight-up fun. And I totally understand why her products are essential in the market. A self described "outdoor, wildlife & mountain woman", Stacy Lyon grew up a simple lady and was living with the closest grocery store 21 miles away. Then, one of her friends was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and she heard the word "paraben' for the first time.  Compiled with 2 other convos in 1 week with her OBGYN and another friend, she realized that women are in the perfect storm for their lady parts with popular products: polyester thongs, processed food & cheap toiletries. And then there was this statistic, which shocked me: (Find out the shocking statistic AND essential tips to keep your VJ healthy, after the jump:)
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Stand Up Paddle Boarding: New Eco Fun in the Water

Happy Shark Week! To continue in the aquatic tradition of this week, we’ll explore a few activities you can do in the H20! (Plus, Shark Week mentions some encounters of Sharks with Paddle Boarders…) For Family Beach Week 2012, I was itching to do something athletic & aquatic… My bike on the boardwalk could only get me so far mentally. Since it’s important to support sustainable tourism where you can to prove that animals are worth more money alive than dead, I was psyched when my cousin asked me to join her in Stand Up Paddle board Lessons. What is Stand Up Paddle Boarding? (Find out more, after the jump!)
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Seafood Dirty Dozen – What should you be avoiding?

Sustainability is about what we're shoving into our mouths as much as recycling & reducing your waste. You're probably aware of the Dirty Dozen - produce you should be purchasing organic because of pesticides in conventional varieties.  Hopefully you've cut back on seafood since overfishing is a critical problem of our oceans... and fish farms aren't exactly a great solution either. However, if you're going to splurge on a fish selection - What should you avoid? Here's the list according to Food & Water Watch:
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Health & Beauty

Best Green Beauty Products for Your Hair and Face

I try to choose cosmetic products that are made from natural, chemical free ingredients and recycled goods. It can be difficult to make the ‘green choice’ when staring down a drugstore aisle with seemingly endless options of shampoo and face wash. But if you familiarize yourself with some of the greener cosmetic companies, you’ll find there’s a good array of affordable, environmentally conscious selections out there. Read on for the rundown on a few of my favorite eco-friendly cosmetic lines:
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Health & Beauty

Top 5 Reasons to Eat Less Red Meat

A vegetarian (or vegan) diet can significantly benefit your health and the environment. If committing to a meat-free diet makes you want to run into the nearest Outback Steakhouse the good news is simply eating less meat can make a difference. Chicken and fish can cause their own set of negative consequences. But, let’s focus on red meat today. Read on!
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