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5 Sustainable Women-Owned Businesses in Philly

5 Sustainable Women-Owned Businesses in Philly

It’s International Women’s Day, and the 2019 theme is #BalanceforBetter.

Green Philly is a women-owned company, and we were grateful to be included on Jefferson’s Graduate Sustainability Network’s forum last night. As one of the questions asked about being a woman in sustainability, I reflected on our recent all-women climate panel (photo above). Rather than drawing attention to the fact women spoke about science, entrepreneurship and activism, I let it go, since we shouldn’t have to point out every time a woman fills a role that traditionally goes to a man.

In that spirit, we’re also surrounded by many women-owned sustainable businesses in Philly. Here’s just a FEW of them to check out today.

5 Women-Owned, Sustainable Philly Businesses

Remark Glass

Rebecca Davies Remark Glass Philadelphia
Rebecca Davies, speaking at our January How Sustainability Works

Team Danielle Ruttenberg, Rebecca Davies & Mark Ellis formed Remark Glass, an independent Philadelphia glass blowing studio with a unique recycling process to transform bottles into tabletop and home decor.

Grant Blvd

Meet a clothing brand that sources reclaimed fabrics, manufactures exclusively in Philadelphia and supports incarcerated & returning citizens.  Founded by Kimberly McGlonn, for every Grant Blvd purchase, they donate one book to the non-profit Books Through Bars.

Birchtree Catering

Owned by Allegra Derengowski and Rasa Stirbys Benefico, Birchtree Catering focuses on local sourcing, seasonal menus and scratch cooking. They even accomplished a totally locally-sourced menu for last year’s SustainaBall in March! (not an easy feat.)

Triple Bottom Brewing

Tess Hart Triple Bottom Brewing
Tess Hart speaking at our Future of Green Economy event last week.

Co-owned by Tess Hart & Billy Popwell, Triple Bottom Brewing isn’t even open yet but has a lot of buzz due to their community-driven mission with fair chance hiring practices and dedication to protecting the planet. Plus, they’re uniting people around a popular cause: beer!

Vault + Vine

A beautiful flower shop and cafe in East Falls, Vault + Vine is owned by Peicha Chang to offer an immersive retail experience combined with a cafe, gathering place and small scale event venue.

Cover photo by Liyiran (Shelly) Xia

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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