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2860 posts

Is Philly a Healthy Tourist Destination? We’re apparently 7th.

Philly is infamous for a bad rep from cheesesteaks to unruly sports fans. Yet, I’ve never imagined Philly being famous for being a healthy travelers’ destination. That’s one opinion based on a recent study by NerdWallet Health. Nerdwallet compared 50 largest U.S. cities on four aspects to rank the “Best Vacation Spots for the Health Conscious”: weather (can you spend time outdoors without getting burned?), availability of fresh foods, walkability, and hotel affordability. Philadelphia managed to come in seventh, beaten out only by New York, San Francisco, Portland, DC, LA, and Baltimore. So what does Nerdwallet's nomination of the 7th healthiest city say about Philly?
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Spicy Shrimp Tacos Recipe

Summer is officially here! Beaches, Fourth of July, Barbecues, Swimming, Tacos… Yes, tacos! Something about tacos puts me in a relaxed mood. (Or maybe it’s the margarita that I sip on while I make a batch…) Tacos are a spicy, flavorful meal; plus they’re super easy to make with a few ingredients from your CSA. I prefer shrimp tacos because of the high protein, low fat, and digestibility. It’s also chalked full of GOOD fats, like monounsaturated or omegas also found in avocados, olive oil and walnuts. It’s also great for those who aren’t ready to be totally meat-free yet.
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PSA about BWW: 6 Reasons to Bike While a Woman

Biking While a Woman (BWW) is a condition that appears to affect large numbers of potential female cyclists in the US. Nearly every study that looks to answer the question "who rides bikes" turns up results indicating "mostly men." Something about being a woman keeps women off bikes, or perhaps it's BWM that gets men onto bikes.  But as a woman, I can only share insights into what it's like for me and other female friends to ride our bikes in Philly and surrounding areas. I started riding a bike because I was in grad school, spending insane hours at school and coming home at various hours. The thought of paying Septa for the privilege of sitting in traffic on a bus; standing on a corner waiting for a bus; a bus or train schedule dictating my arrival or departure from school made me anxious and even a little angry. Even though it's public transit, I didn't like needing fossil fuels to get around. I got a bike and never looked back. >Are you a lady who still hasn't made the transition to biking? Here's 6 reasons you should catch on to the BWW now:
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Where To Donate Old Furniture – WCI Weds

Since I’m still in college, I’ve moved around a lot over the last couple of years. Every move, I end up with unwanted or disproportional furniture. Being new to the Philly area, I had no idea where to donate gently used furniture. I’ve since learned from experience that places like Goodwill or the Salvation Army aren’t very user friendly. They tend to be pickier about items they accept and it’s difficult to schedule pickup times (especially without a car). Whether you’re looking to buy or donate old furniture, we saved you some of my previous stress and found a few places for you on Where Can I Wednesday. Plus, they all benefit great causes. Here’s where to donate furniture in Philly:
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