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2861 posts

#ThisWeekI: Michael Di Tizio

Who's ready to kick off their week with some inspiration? Last week, we debuted our #ThisWeekI column to inspire each other. Here's what people around the web were saying: I think I finally convinced my dad that wild salmon tastes better than farmed! It only took 3 years. @greenphillyblog @dvgbc #ThisWeekI Find out more inspiration AND what #ThisWeekI's featured Michael Di Tizio is doing to inspire - after the jump.
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Responsible Entrepeneur: Upcoming Workshop with Carol Sanford

  How can you create actual positive change? Let's think big here: Instead of checking off the sustainability 'to do' list, make an impact. The Responsible Entrepreneur: Move from Doing Good to Creating Real Change workshop with Carol Sanford is approaching on Monday, August 4th at CityCoHo | Philly Nexus. Author of The Responsible Business and The Responsible Entrepreneur: Four Game Changing Archetypes for Founders, Leaders and Impact Investors, Sanford's resume includes consulting for entrepreneurs like Seventh Generation and Google. Here's the full deets:
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Summer Vegetable Frittata

Gardens and farms are showering us with fresh summer veggies as we hit the middle of summer! Have local, CSA or farmer’s market vegetables that you don’t know what to do with? Here’s an easy vegetarian recipe to try using July’s harvests. A perfect accompaniment for breakfast or brunch, this summer vegetable frittata is a great way to get in your daily servings of veggies.
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Cloth vs. Not: The Diaper Debate

I was a cloth diaper baby! My mother believed in cloth diapers; in fact, she thought they were more environmentally friendly before we even talked about it. Although it cost more initially, cloth diapering for my siblings and me saved my parents money in the long run. My mother believed that it was her responsibility to reduce the family’s carbon footprint by living consciously. Back THEN, there was a constant debate and conflicting information about using cloth diapers.
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Let’s inspire each other: #ThisWeekI Column Debut!

Recently, I went to a Living Building Challenge event and through talking to one of the participants, I came up with an idea: If each of us inspires two other people to do ___ better, and each of those two people inspire two more, we can make exponential change. So, let's inspire each other. It doesn't have to be big. Find out more about "#ThisWeekI"'s column debut, after the jump:
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