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2860 posts

Where to Recycle Common Household Junk: WCI Wednesday

If you’ve been cleaning your house lately (or packing for college like me!), you might notice that you have a lot of stuff lying around that you don’t exactly know what to do with. Lots of items often get thrown away, but wouldn’t it be better to have them be recycled or repurposed? So for this week’s Where Can I Wednesday, we’ve covered how to do just that! Here’s our guide to recycling some common household junk items:
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White Bean and Kale Soup

I love creating soups over the weekends to devour throughout the week. One of my many favorites (especially during the Fall season) is White Bean and Kale soup. I love this soup for 3 reasons: it’s healthy, easy & cheap (perfect for any budget).
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#ThisWeekI: Humane League Edition

Happy Monday! Today's #ThisWeekI guest(s) couldn't decide who wanted to participate the most, so we instead focus on their local nonprofit as a whole instead. The Humane League is a farm animal welfare organization that advocates for reducing meat consumption for the benefits to individual health, the animals, and the environment. Volunteer & Intern lunch with the Humane League
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Be a Corporate Sustainability Game-Changer: Upcoming Seminar

This is a sponsored post. How do we implement sustainability strategies to mitigate financial and operational risks in today’s business landscape? Become a Sustainability Game-Changer  Political policy and government intervention has proved to be too limited and slow to act in order to drive rapid, far-reaching change. Business and industry are emerging as the crucial change agents to accomplish significant transformation.
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Health & Beauty

8 Philly Exercises that are More Fun than the Gym

Every summer, I tell myself that I’ll use free time to start exercising. This summer was no exception. I even went the extra step and bought a gym membership to keep the promise to myself. I proudly stuck with it every other day for a month, but then I lost motivation and never went again. So why is it such a hard time to commit to the gym regularly? Personally, I get bored using the same machines at the same place every day! Instead, I hunted for fun ways to exercise in Philly to get back in the swing of things for the fall. Here are 8 fun & unique Philly exercises for beginners to experts:
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Green Philly

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