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Articles Written by Julie Hancher

1817 posts
Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake.
Health & Beauty

L.L. Bean Outdoor Discovery Schools: Kayak & Stand Up Paddleboarding

Sometimes you just want to get outside and try something new. L.L. Bean Outdoor Discovery Schools allow you to cool off in the hot, hot sun and find your new favorite water sport. I occasionally suffer from NLC Syndrome. Not Leaving City (NLC) Syndrome occurs when you get accustomed to all the awesome things that happen inside the city and decline activities outside the limits. On Sunday morning, (Find out more about our journey, after the jump!)
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10 Ways to Reuse Silica Packets: WCI Weds

We've all made the purchase: whether it's shoes, purses or food. There are always those dreaded little silica packets that warn, Do Not Eat. Those silica packets aren't deadly, regardless of all those warnings. Instead, Silica gel is a desiccant, a substance that absorbs moisture that protects products through shipping and making it from the manufacturer to your home. Here's 10 ideas to reuse Silica Packets:
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FREE Bike Workshop for Parents Biking With Kids!

Are you a new parent still trying to sort through the cloth diapering dilemma? Are you a not-so-new parent but new to biking with your children? Are you simply bike-curious? The Bicycle Coalition of Philadelphia is hosting a meetup for parents (new, long-time, or expecting) interested in bicycling with their kids. The workshop will address tips, equipment, helmet fitting, and other elements of biking with wee ones.   Find out more, after the jump!
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How to Make a Succulent Terrarium

Although I attended a "how to" terrarium workshop a few years ago, I needed a refresher course to create a succulent terrarium. I had collected a few plants from my trip to a local farm and wanted to display them in a beautiful setting instead of having the same ol’ plastic pots around my apartment. Here are the steps to make a succulent terrarium:
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Get Outside & Camping with the Outdoor Discovery Day Tomorrow!

Looking to get outside this summer? Who doesn't love camping, hiking, beaching and water sports?! Outdoor Discovery Day is tomorrow,  Saturday, July 13 from 11 AM - 3 PM at Pleasant Hill Park. Plus, they have a ginormous "bootmobile" in tow, which is instagram-worthy alone. LL Bean is hosting the Outdoor Discovery Day as part of a summer-long effort to inspire families to spend more time outdoors and try a new outdoor activity. What does this day to L.L.Bean Outdoor Discovery Day include? Activities like:
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Cloth Philadelphia: East Passyunk’s Baby & Diaper Store

Curious about cloth diapering? Look no further than Cloth, the new hotspot on East Passyunk in Philadelphia. Did you know an estimated 18 billion diapers are thrown into landfills every year? They take 500 years to decompose, are expensive... and disposable. Plus, some diapers contain dangerous chemicals dioxins, VOCs and possibly carcinogens. Do you want your precious baby in that? Angela and Shai Halperin recognized that parents new to cloth diapers often must buy online. As two working parents, they had a lot of online successes (and failures) with cloth diapers. Plus, the closest store was 30-40 minutes outside of Center City Philadelphia. They recognized the need more and more for a Cloth Diaper store. Cloth was born. I stopped by Cloth to talk with Angela about more about the store. Find out more, after the jump!
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Breezy’s Cafe: Pirate Cats & Great Food FTW

If you follow our Twitter page, you may have seen me praise the newest, bad-ass cafe around. Breezy's Cafe is a local treat located right in Point Breeze. Whether you're in the mood for a vegan, veggie or carnivorous treat, Breezy's Cafe offers a daily variety of sandwiches, salads & sides. Find out more about this Point Breeze's gem, from the background to delicious offerings!
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