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World Water Day

3 posts
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Friday Quickie: World Water Day 2013

Today is World Water Day 2013! In 1993 the United Nations General Assembly declared March 22 World Day for Water. Every year the UNGA focuses on a specific aspect of water conservation. This year the theme is water cooperation.  From the UNGA " (We) recognize that cooperation is essential to strike a balance between the different needs and priorities and share this precious resource equitably, using water as an instrument of peace. Promoting water cooperation implies an interdisciplinary approach bringing in cultural, educational and scientific factors, as well as religious, ethical, social, political, legal, institutional and economic dimensions." One important takeaway from this statement is that water is a shared resource. It is not ours to use as we please at anytime, and it shouldn't be taken for granted. There. By paying attention to our personal and family water usage all year we're taking small steps to help the cause. What can you do?
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Friday Quickie: Take your Water Footprint! (& Improve your habits, dammit!)

Did you know that globally 70% of water used is for agriculture?  Were you aware that 1 in 3 people worldwide are affected by water scarcity? Although water problems may seem foreign to us, water conservation is still essential here in our hometown.  As we pointed out on our Twitter feed, yesterday (March 22) was World Water Day, which focuses on the sustainability & importance of freshwater. Assess your household's water usage with
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