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35 posts

Aglow: Aurora Robson Exhibition Opening

This new exhibition presents the suspended and illuminated plastic works of renowned environmental artist Aurora Robson. A multimedia artist known primarily for her work intercepting the waste stream, Robson transforms plastic debris into mesmerizing, bold sculptures that disguise and transcend...
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5 Ways to Kick Plastic Use in the Office

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Zojirushi. The opinions and text are all mine. Regardless of the type of plastic, more than 70 percent of plastics leak estrogen-like chemicals. Makes that microwavable meal really appetizing, right? Yum! Whether you're at home, camping or the office, you can kick plastic from your life in favor of more sustainable products. Here are a few tiny investments I've made over the years to limit my plastic waste in the office.
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Be Green Packaging: Better Alternative to Plastic

I don't know about you, but nothing bothers me more than styrofoam. In 2013, there's no reason to use something so horrible for the atmosphere. And plastic, disposable packaging isn’t a much better choice. That's why companies like Be Green Packaging are so awesome. Be Green Packaging LLC creates alternatives to the ordinary plastic (and styrofoam) crap you find for takeout or picnics. All of their items are made from... Find out more, after the jump!
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Green Philly

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