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193 posts

Walking the Edge Closing Celebration

You’re invited to celebrate the closing of our community exhibition, Walking the Edge. Philadelphia-based Soapbox Press will lead a workshop on letterpress, a historical relief printing technique where paper is pressed against an inked, raised surface. Curator and community organizer...
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Urban Wildlife: Sharing Spaces

Despite the large human population and cityscape, Philadelphia’s urban area is home to a wide variety of critters that have adapted to the city’s hustle and bustle. Join our Wildlife Clinic staff, who see injured and orphaned wildlife everyday, for an...
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Green Philly Symposium 2023

Join Green Philly for our 3rd annual virtual symposium, “Moving Forward,” focusing on building a sustainable and equitable Philadelphia.  Learn from innovative experts and problem solvers during panels, lightning sessions, and keynotes, meet local organizations to learn about how to...
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Green Philly

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