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Farmers Market

24 posts

Twilight Market

Live Music • Local Food & Drink • Workshops • Craft Vendors Join us for our festive evening markets! We are keeping the farm and the farmstand open late for shopping and have invited some of our favorite friends to...
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Health & Beauty

10 Simple Ways to Get Healthy on a Budget

Many reasons to live sustainably ultimately benefit one person: you. What's one of the best parts of joining a local CSA? Fresh, delicious veggies and fruit. Like seriously, better than you've ever had before. Although I certainly avoid preaching to the crowd, my body got out of whack lately between traveling, getting sick and work. After seeing some not-so-flattering photos of myself, I decided to do a mini detox. Kicking back into a healthier version of you doesn't require a juice detox or lots of cash. There's a few simple ways to detox - all cheap, easy and locally. Here's 10 Ways to Get Healthy & Detox on a budget:
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Rittenhouse Farmer’s Market: Beginners Guide

Farmers' Markets are the best part of spring and summer. Yet one of the most bountiful & popular in Center City is Rittenhouse Farmer's Market, which takes place year-round. As Rittenhouse Farmer's Market Manager Ben Bergman explained, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes of the Farmer's Market. After reading Omnivore's Dilemma changed his life, he wanted to get closer to the local food movement. He understands the importance of becoming a locavore tasting each season, explaining, "When you're buying local food, you're connecting yourself to where you live." What will you find at Rittenhouse Farmer's Market? Here's our beginner's guide:
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Green Philly

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