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Kenney & 21 US Mayors Signed on to Keep EV Tax Credit

Kenney & 21 US Mayors Signed on to Keep EV Tax Credit

Oh, the 2017 tax bill.

Currently, there’s an Electric Vehicle (EV) tax credit (Section 30D) that allows consumers to claim up to $7,500 when purchasing an EV, anywhere in the USA. Depending on how many electric vehicles enter our fleet, EVs could reduce the US carbon greenhouse gas between 45 and 77%.

The US House of Representatives axed the EV Tax Credit from the Tax Bill. Although the Senate kept it, anything can happen in coming iterations of the tax bill.

The Electrification Coalition (EC) and the City of Atlanta are leading a petition with cities across the US to protect the tax credit. Mayor Jim Kenney has officially signed onto this letter. (Read the full text here.)

How to Take Action to Support Electric Vehicles

Visit Plug in America to send a message to your legislators about the importance of EVs.

21 other mayors have signed on including Orlando, Baltimore, Phoenix and LA. Check the list – if you have friends in other cities (especially working for city government), check the full website.


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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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