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11,000 Scientists Declare Climate Emergency as US Begins to Pull out of Paris Accord

11,000 Scientists Declare Climate Emergency as US Begins to Pull out of Paris Accord

Scientists warn of “untold suffering”

11,000 scientists from 153 countries declared a climate emergency if we don’t make changes to how we live in a BioScience paper.

According to the paper, “Scientists have a moral obligation to clearly warn humanity of any catastrophic threat and to “tell it like it is.”

The paper continues to state that climate action was needed 40 years ago, but emissions continue to rise regardless.

11K scientists suggest 6 solutions that really matter:

  1. Energy efficacy and conservation practices, replacing fossil fuels.
  2. Reduce emissions of short-lived pollutants like methane, black carbon and HFCs.
  3. Protect and restore ecosystems of the forest, oceans, wetland and more.
  4. Eat plant-based, reducing the global consumption of animal products. (These free up croplands and lower GHG emissions.)
  5. Get the economy in check: stop exploiting resources and ecosystems, and prioritize basic needs and reduce inequality.
  6. Birth control for all: By implementing family-planning nad education of girls/women, reducing overpopulation.


(Greta said it first about the economy.)

This paper was published the day after the US administration formally notified the United Nations that it would begin the process to pull out of the Paris Accord.

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Julie Hancher is Editor-in-Chief of Green Philly, sharing her expertise of all things sustainable in the city of brotherly love. She enjoys long walks in the park with local beer and greening her travels, cooking & cat, Sir Floofus Drake. View all posts by Julie Hancher
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