
We want to hear from you! Are you a local business taking the initiative to help green Philadelphia? Or perhaps you have a suggestion or comment?


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Where can I recycle (Insert item name)?

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  • Hi, I'm working on the final details of an event – which will take place on November 16th @ the White Dog Café. Would one or both of you perhaps be interested in speaking at this event? Email me at phillymarketing@gmail. com if interested.

  • Sometimes a woman is forced to fight harder because she is a woman and no one wants to take her seriously. No one wants to hear the truth she sees about the failures of the established system around her. I can tell you first hand about Environmental Injustice right here in Philadelphia, happening right now. I shall not stop talking about this injustice until everyone knows because that is the only way it will not happen again and hurt and even cause death to other innocent people. The website above will tell some of the story. Thank you, Margaret Motheral

  • Here's a newly finished bench/coffee table by Adam Rung Woodworks. The natural edge top is cherry harvested from a wind-blown yard tree. The base is FSC certified curly maple and cherry with walnut feet. Detailed dogwood flowers are carved into the top.

  • Philadelphia’s waterways supply essential drinking water and destinations to play, fish, relax and reconnect. That’s why the Philadelphia Water Department is submitting a 20-year plan to the Environmental Protection Agency that outlines how to improve our waters and green our city. Citizens are strongly encouraged to attend a public meeting and provide important feedback to City planners.

    Meetings will be held from 6 to 8 pm throughout the City. Water ice will be provided to attendees.

    August 18 --Waterview Recreation Center, 5826 McMahon Street
    August 19—The Northern Liberties Community Center, 700 North 3rd Street
    August 20—Columbus Square Recreation Center, 12th and Wharton Streets
    August 25—Mercy Hospital, 54th and Cedar Streets, 7th Floor Chapel Conference Room

    The Green Cities, Clean Waters program commits $1.6 billion over 20 years to capture 80 percent of the sewage and storm water that flows into the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers and the Tacony and Cobbs creeks. A major part of the solution focuses on greening our streets, schools and public facilities.

    For more information, visit or call 215-499-3756.

  • Philadelphia would be much greener if PECO removed the energy sink LED sign from their building and utilized any one of numerous other mediums to market their messages such as consumer bill insertions, print or broadcast media rather than using an energy guzzling method to tell its customer base to reduce their energy consumption. How hypocritical - how about PECO reducing its own energy consumption!!!!!!