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$24M investment will expand Delco manufacturer of sustainable building material

$24M investment will expand Delco manufacturer of sustainable building material

Eddystone, Pa.-based AeroAggregates takes recycled glass and turns it into a product used on construction projects.

A Delaware County manufacturer received a $24 million investment from a New York-based private equity firm to help increase its production of a construction material made from 100 percent post-consumer recycled glass.

AeroAggregates of North America uses curbside recycled glass to make ultra-lightweight foamed glass aggregate (FGA) –what the Delco company describes as a low-cost, sustainable solution for construction projects.

Aero’s manufacturing process, the company said, saves more than 140 million bottles from entering landfills annually.

The multimillion-dollar investment from Valterra Partners will fund the expansion of Aero’s Eddystone headquarters and the construction of 2 new facilities, one in New England and the other in the Southeast. They are expected to open within the next 12 months, according to a joint news release from Valterra and Aero.

FGA is a product used as backfilling infrastructure construction. The material is ideal for construction happening on soft soil, like retaining walls, embankments, and foundation walls and slabs. Other examples of aggregates are sand, gravel, and crushed stone.

Photo courtesy of Facebook

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