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Articles Written by Linh Kostiuk

24 posts
Linh studies Architectural Technologies at Philadelphia University and spent a previous semester studying Sustainability in Copenhagen, Denmark. These experiences home and abroad inspired her to take a closer look at her personal impact on the environment and ways to lessen it. Whether she's reminding others to recycle or supporting local farmers markets, she knows those small steps can add up to a greater positive change.
Sustainable Travels

Philly versus Copenhagen: Green City Battle

This past semester, I escaped the Polar Vortex and studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. Over four months, I discovered and explored the new city, including its sustainability scene. Copenhagen, the winner of the EU’s Green Capital 2014, is well known for its advanced efforts to as a model sustainable city. Philly has begun its journey to be the most sustainable city in the US, according to Mayor Nutter’s Greenworks plan. How does Philly compare to Copenhagen? Who’s winning the green battle on their respective continent?
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Local Spotlight: Neighborhood Bike Works

Neighborhood Bike Works Have extra free time and want to support a local youth and community outreach program? Give Neighborhood Bike Works a visit. Founded in 1999, the non-profit has been making a difference in Philly’s underserved neighborhoods with free bicycling programs throughout the summer and school year. Kids (ages 8-18) learn about cycling safety, bicycle mechanics, and healthy lifestyles.
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What’s Fresh at Philly’s Farmer’s Markets this Summer?

It’s that time of year again! Summer is here, or rather, a few short days away, marking the return of many of the city’s farmer’s markets and their bounties of fresh and local summer fruits and vegetables. Don’t want to miss your favorites? Here’s a quick guide to the summer’s harvests.  Summer Guide to Philly’s Farmer’s Markets:
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