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Vegetarian Thanksgiving Sides That’ll Make You Forget About the Poor Bird

Vegetarian Thanksgiving Sides That’ll Make You Forget About the Poor Bird

Vegetarian Thanksgiving SidesI come from a big family – my parents are both one of eight and I have a zillion (60+) cousins. Picture the Irish Catholic/Italian version of the my big fat greek wedding family and you’re close to an image of our typical holiday.

But, this Thanksgiving marks a first. As we recently moved and aren’t a bus trip away from my family anymore, my husband and I decided to tackle Thanksgiving on our own.

Essentially this means me. He has a lot of good qualities and talents but cooking isn’t among them. 😉

I’m feeling totally liberated and excited at the prospect of being 100% in control of my Thanksgiving feast for the first time in my life. My husband isn’t a vegetarian by any means but he’ll literally eat anything I put in front of him (alas one of those good qualities I referred to above). Essentially I have full reign to go crazy with the vegetarian thanksgiving sides that I consider the best part of the holiday.

As a non meat-eater I like the idea of a centerpiece dish – like a tofurky for example – but to be honest I don’t go ga ga over faux meats. I find them very hit or miss. And, why does the bird or “bird” get all the attention, anyway? Load me up with a few vegetarian Thanksgiving side dishes and I’m a happy girl!

That said here’s a run down of some of the vegetarian Thanksgiving sides & recipes that will be making an appearance at our Thanksgiving this year. Most are a little less traditional as I believe in mixing it up and eating what I crave – not necessarily the canned cranberry sauce and gravy the holiday typically dictates. (Some are our own recipes and some are amazing recommendations from my favorite food bloggers.)

I hope these help any fellow side-lovin’ readers who are in need of last-minute ideas!

Vegetarian Thanksgiving Sides

Seasonal Vegetable Quinoa Risotto  – I’m making this with acorn squash and adding pumpkin seeds

Roasted Carrots with Ginger Honey Glaze

Vegan This ain’t Grandma’s Sweet Potato Casserole

Holiday Salad with Cranberry Apple Orange Viniagrette

Vegan Thanksgiving Stuffing with Butternut Squash, Brussel Sprouts, and Cranberry– This recipe can be made gluten-free

Feef  “beef” Stroganoff

What’s for dessert?

Perfect Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Lightened Up Snickers Pie – prepared here with a vegan chocolate pudding

Vegan Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins – these also make a great breakfast treat

Festive Vegan Hot Chocolate

Happy feasting, friends! Any vegetarian Thanksgiving sides that you want to share?


Photo credit: Meatless Mondays

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Beth is a Health and Wellness expert who believes sustainability goes hand-in-hand with self care. She’s the girl whipping up kombucha cocktails at parties, and extolling the benefits of canning vegetables to anyone who will listen. View all posts by Beth Funari
Green Philly

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