Walk Score

Philly is #4 Most Walkable City in the USA!

Philly's so hot right now! Philly was ranked the fourth most walkable city (population 300K or more) according to Walk…

8 years ago

SEPTA is #1 Best Large Transit System in the Country?!?

Dirty, homeless, beggers, unclear bus schedules apparently is the summary of how hometown heroes describe the Best Large Transit System…

12 years ago

SEPTA Proud: Philadelphia’s Public Transit System #5 in Nation?!?

Stop hating on SEPTA... Philadelphia's public transit has just been given props! Walk Score, a website that rates the walkability…

12 years ago

What's your Philly neighborhood's "Walk Score"?

Calculate your neighborhood's "Walk Score" here and see how walk-able your area is. This website will pull up a nifty…

14 years ago