delaware watershed

Meet Ranim and Ian, the Delaware River Fellows Who Want Us to #PhilaBag With Litter

Two youth fellows at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge are working to make clean-ups accessible, safe, and widespread. To help,…

4 years ago

5 Things We Learned About the Delaware River Watershed From Four Local Experts

During our 4 States, 1 Watershed digital panel on Wednesday, May 27th, four panelists shared their insights on what we…

4 years ago

Eco-Explainer: What are Combined Sewer Systems?

As climate change brings hotter and wetter weather to Philly, it can strain our waterways due to our archaic systems.…

4 years ago

Delaware River Named River of the Year for 2020 by American Rivers

With decades of conservation progress, the Delaware River is finally winning its Oscar-like award for rivers. Fortunately, the river doesn't…

4 years ago

Seaport Museum will be home of East Coast’s first pollution-fighting Seabins

The V5 Seabin will make its Delaware River debut on April 22, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The newest…

4 years ago

Where can I recycle motor oil

Motor oil sticks to everything - even water! When poured down a gutter or a drain, oil can find its…

4 years ago

Where can I recycle household paint

Americans throw away 70 gallons of paint every year, according to the U.S. EPA, and that wasted paint could be…

4 years ago

How a pledge to “Grow Clean Water” & support healthy farms can help the Delaware Watershed

Agriculture makes up roughly 25 percent of the Delaware Watershed's land cover. You may not be a farmer, but you…

4 years ago

What is the Delaware Watershed?

You've heard the phrase. Here's an explainer for what it means. A source of drinking water for upwards of 13…

4 years ago