Categories: Health & Beauty

Try Lithe Method for a unique, eco-friendly workout

Tired of your typical exercise routine? Looking for a workout that appeases your green conscience? Lithe fitness studios in Rittenhouse Square, Northern Liberties (and now Ardmore) are a perfect antidote.

Why the Lithe Method?

The Lithe Method incorporates some elements of Pilates, Yoga and Dance. But it’s no ordinary workout.  I’ve taken Pilates – Trust me, this is BETTER. Why? You get a total body workout in 55 minutes and can choose from a variety of classes with clever (and appropriate) names like Skinny Jeans, A-List Abs, Action Figure and plenty more. Lithe instructors switch up the moves  every 6 weeks so you never get bored.

The classes are small enough that you get individual attention on form and you know it’s money well-spent when you can feel it the next few days. I started taking classes a few months back about twice week & I’m hooked.

Lithe owner,Lauren Boggi, a former cheerleader and dancer developed the Lithe Method a few years back.  She opened her first studio in Northern Liberties at Liberties Walk in 2005 and her business took off – leading to a Rittenhouse studio in ’07 and a 3rd studio which opened in Ardmore, PA this month.

Eco-friendly practices at Lithe

Beyond the killer workout and unparalleled results , I was impressed with a few environmentally-conscious initiatives at Lithe including:

  • No plastic or paper cups for the water jugs. Lauren says the studio used to go through 120-200 cups a day – equaling a minimum of 43,800 cups a year! “Lithers” bring their own reusable water bottles, cutting down on major waste.
  • Unike a lot of other fitness studios/centers, they don’t sell bottled water or sports drinks either… Pretty commendable considering the extra profit such products could bring in.
  • Lithe uses eco-cleansing products : Lauren makes an eco-friendly mat cleanser from water, tea tree oil and all natural anti fungal drops.
  • At Lithe you’re using your body as your primary “tool”. Classes incorporate light hand weights, a ballet barre and resistance bands. You’ll save a significant amount of energy by choosing a Lithe workout over the treadmill, elliptical, row machines  or other electricity-draining exercise.

Check out Lithe’s site for more information on current programs and classes. Your body will thank you – big time.

Beth Funari

Beth is a Health and Wellness expert who believes sustainability goes hand-in-hand with self care. She’s the girl whipping up kombucha cocktails at parties, and extolling the benefits of canning vegetables to anyone who will listen.

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