Thomas Saldutti

Thomas Saldutti is a student at Villanova University studying Civil and Environmental Engineering. His passion for the environment started with bugging friends about recycling and weekend camping trips and evolved in college on Villanova's Presidents Environmental Sustainability Committee. The group works with faculty, staff, and fellow students to help make our campus more sustainable. After college, Thomas hopes to contribute to sustainable development throughout the city.

What a Villanova Professor Can Teach You About Sustainability

Professor Interview Series: Dr. Metin Duran, Environmental Engineering Driving home from Phillies games, I would watch the lights of the city…

8 years ago

What Your Campus can learn from Villanova’s FREE Bike Share Program

Way out in the boondocks of suburbia, there is a college campus. This campus is only a few square miles.…

9 years ago

How Villanova’s PESC tricked students about sustainability

What's going on with our local universities? We introduce Villanova student Thomas Saldutti's debut in the College Corner Column to…

9 years ago