Artemis Tiburcio & Nicole Posadas

Artemis Diana Tiburcio is a senior at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, concentrating in Environmental Policy, Finance, and Operations. She is involved in Penn Eco-Reps, Student Sustainability at Penn (SSAP), and the Penn Community Garden. Nicole Posadas is a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania, majoring in Earth Science with a concentration in Environmental Science. She is actively involved in Penn Eco-Reps, Student Advisory Group for the Environment (SAGE), and Penn's Earth & Environmental Science Undergraduate Advisory Board.

How to Break the Waste Cycle: Lessons from Post-Landfill Action Network’s Student Conference

On November 4th, 2017, we met a monster. Its name was Fill, short for landfill. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t…

6 years ago