We’re connecting you to civic news & information
Green Philly has been selected for Every Voice, Every Vote’s 2nd coalition.
We’re excited to continue to connect you to sustainable solutions, particularly on how local government is serving you sustainable solutions.
Green Philly has been selected as a media partner in the Every Voice, Every Vote initiative, joining over 70 Philadelphia media organizations and community groups.
This coalition, funded by $2.875 million from The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, will run projects through December 2025, focusing on public safety, housing, education, and more. The initiative encourages residents to be heard, engage in civic events, hold officials accountable, and take action to drive positive change in the city.
Introducing our Civics Reporter
We’re excited to announce that Green Philly freelancer Angie Bacha is our Civics Reporter for this initiative. Bacha is a Philadelphia-based solutions journalist and recent Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Journalism, Media and Globalisation student in Aarhus, Denmark.Â
Are you curious about how city government intersects with sustainability? Do you story ideas in what you want to see us cover in this new beat? Email info@greenphl.com with your questions and suggestions.
Join us on September 18th for our event.
Are you curious about how sustainability policy and legislation are shaped in Philadelphia? Join Green Philly to hear from local leaders, including Councilmember Jamie Gauthier and Elizabeth Lankanaeu, Interim Director at the Office of Sustainability. They’ll discuss how they’re driving green initiatives while balancing economic growth. This is your chance to gain insights, ask questions, and learn how you can contribute to a sustainable and equitable future for Philadelphia. Register for the “Sustainability in Action” event on Wednesday, September 18, at 5:30 PM at the University City Arts League.